2011-01-03 17:43 |
Selena i Justin na jachcie [Karaiby]
2010-12-31 06:53 |
Selena i Justin w St. Lucia.
2010-12-17 19:44 |
December 13th - Shopping at the Grove
2010-10-27 17:05 |
Wypad z Taylor Swift. - 21.10.2010
2010-10-05 14:28 |
October 1st-Grabs some food from Wagamama, London
2010-09-28 14:52 |
September 27th - Leaving her Hotel in London
2010-09-22 10:42 |
power106 FM - September 20th 2010
2010-09-06 11:27 |
September 4th - Notre Dame Football Game
2010-08-30 04:45 |
Selena W restauracji z Davidem Henrim
2010-08-10 16:21 |
AUGUST 9th - Arriving at Disney Lot
2010-08-06 06:56 |
Joey king and Selena celebrating thier birthdays
2010-08-06 06:54 |
AUGUST 3rd - Leaving Sushi Bar in Studio City
2010-08-01 17:33 |
JULY 30th - Out in Beverly Hills
2010-07-28 17:04 |
On-Air with Ryan Seacrest - July 27th 2010
2010-07-28 16:33 |
JULY 27TH - Shopping at the Westfield Mall
2010-07-23 08:14 |
JULY 17TH - Arriving to the Airport at Miami
2010-07-23 08:06 |
The Today Show 4th hour - July 22
2010-07-23 08:04 |
JULY 22ND - Outside at Fox Studios in New York City
2010-07-23 08:02 |
JULY 22ND - Arriving to LAX Airport with Joey King
2010-04-06 05:46 |
5.04.2010 - Przybycie do London Studios
2010-04-03 06:37 |
2.04.2010 - W paryskim Disneylandzie
2010-04-02 08:03 |
31.03.2010 - Opuszczajac Carette Patisserie
2010-04-01 08:19 |
31.03.2010 - Shopping w "miescie zakochanych"
2010-04-01 08:07 |
26.03.2010 - W Denny's in Encin
2010-03-24 14:55 |
23.03.2010r. - Wyjście z kręgielni Pinz bowling center
2010-03-21 15:45 |
Golf z Nickiem Jonasem 2010 r.
2010-03-18 13:29 |
16.03.2010r - Wyjście z kręgielni
2010-03-04 15:55 |
Urodziny Justina Biebera 2010